Saturday, June 13, 2015

And So It Begins...

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  ~Lao-tzu

Today marks the first day of summer break.  For many, this is a time to enjoy with family and friends, catch up on some reading or films, travel the world, or sit on a beach or by a pool. For me, it marks my first step in preparing for my new role as a library information specialist at my middle school in the fall.

My journey to this point began almost four years ago.  I was an eighth grade language arts teacher at the time and was itching for a challenge.  Every few years I find myself in this place, craving some change and professional development.  As I sat in my school's LMC that morning, listening to another one of dozens of book talks I had heard over the years, the answer fell from the sky and landed in my lap.  School librarian!  I would love to be a school librarian! With my English literature degree and over 12 years of teaching eighth grade language arts under my belt, it seemed like the perfect position for me.  And it just so happened that our amazing LMC Director had put in retirement that previous spring with a plan to retire in four years.

That afternoon, I called my husband and my parents.  "I'm going to be a librarian!" I declared, never more sure of anything in my life.  To my surprise, they all responded with, "You'll get bored."  

Bored?!? Gone are the days of librarians sitting at desks sshing patrons and checking out books. School libraries, or learning commons, are active learning spaces.  They are patron-centered, flexible, noisy, messy, creative places.  They are fun, inspiring, and full of energy.  They are the heart of the school.

So here I am on the first day of my summer break, taking my first step by envisioning the learning commons I want to create--not just this year but in one year, three years, five years.  And while I may not have it all figured out on this Saturday evening, I can tell you this: I will not get bored.  I'm ready to dive in to this new, exciting age of librarianship and help transform learning at my school.  I just can't wait to get started.  

1 comment:

  1. It is a challenging, ever changing and learning career. Welcome.
