Friday, October 1, 2021

First Fridays Open Mic

 "Find the good. It's all around you. Find it, showcase it, and you'll start believing in it." 

                                                                                                                            ~Jesse Owens

Today was the first Friday of October, which means in the Shepard Learning Commons, it's First Fridays Open Mic! This showcase event is a wonderful collaboration between our school library and the fine arts department and allows for students to share their talents with our school community each month. In the past, students who wanted to share their interests and talents had to hold out for our school-wide talent show in the spring.  The talent show, while amazing, isn't for the faint of heart; it requires students to perform in front of the entire school, which could feel like a sure death for some middle school students. First Fridays is a on much smaller scale and therefore attracts many more students as well as a wider range of talents; over the years, we have had students sing, dance, recite self-composed poetry, share a STEM project, and even teach us about insects! Just when we think we can't be surprised by an act, something comes along that's unique. Today that was an ASMR act as well as an Irish dancing performance. 

What I love about this event each time we host it is how it showcases the good in our school community--students who are their authentic selves despite the pressures middle school students feel to fit in; students who are willing to share these unique and wonderful gifts with others; a kind, positive, and celebratory performance environment created by all who attend; and staff members who are willing to go above and beyond their call of duty by taking time out of their day to attend First Fridays and support and connect with their students.

Due to the pandemic last year, we had to flip the switch and turn First Fridays into a virtual affair. Each month we created a Padlet where students posted videos and images showcasing their talents. Some even got their pets and family members involved, which we absolutely loved. When we returned to in-person schooling this fall, we decided to go back to our in-person events but allow for the virtual platform to remain as well. By offering both in-person and virtual options this year, we can meet students at their own comfort levels and continue to attract a wide range of talents. 

While our first event this year was on the smaller side compared to events in the Before Times, it was a perfect start to First Fridays this year. There was so much buzz among students and in the hallways today that I wouldn't be surprised if the enthusiasm for this event continues to grow and grow and attract even more participation in the upcoming months. I'm excited to see where this takes us and even more excited to see how this helps students feel more connected to their school community! 

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